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Internal comms person/plumber and lover of life's quirks

Monday, 21 March 2011

Making a point with PowerPoint

I have found myself explaining to a senior leader how 168 PowerPoint slides does not an engaging and dynamic business strategy make. I have also asked various executives whether they did a PowerPoint round up for their spouses when asked about their day or engaged in some good old fashioned conversation - the kind of communication employees often prefer. While I still think PowerPoint when used correctly is a useful aide memoire, you can imagine my horror at a story my friend told me recently. It seems the HR director at her work came home from a hard day at the office to tell his wife he was leaving her as she had failed to fulfill Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for him for the past 20 years. And yes, you've guessed it, he used a PowerPoint diagram to spell out why he was off to live with his mistress. If you need to use PowerPoint (for business!), this is a good link: http://tinyurl.com/lonz5w
If you are leaving the love-of-your-life, can I suggest Relate?

More on Maslow and employee engagement at:


  1. Great post - these days I love to make a point with PowerPoint by simply not using it. I hope that before long more people will do likewise - great stories don't need a bundle of dull slides.

  2. Me again....someone sent me this link which I thought you and your readers may be interested in? Hope it's not too....basic?


    Cheers - Doug
